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From the QR Codes:

Bonus & Extras

From the melody to 5 Little Ducks to the downloadable map for your own Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt and more...

Once Upon
A Time

There was a writer who became a mom and found there were children's book stories to be told. So, she began to tell them.

Available on AmazonBarnes & Noble, and our online store

A fun holiday adventure that brings us together

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The Cat Family

Our Story

When I became a mom, everything changed. All preconceived notions about any control in my life proved mythical. While I can't pretend to have solutions to all my children's problems, I made up Wilbur the Cat for my daughter, Leni, to exercise her imagination muscles to help her with developmental challenges. So every night, we make up a story about Wilbur.


Leni always picks the topics and helps direct and redirect the story. It's been a wonderful and delightful experience for me. It's been a light that shines insight not only into what she's curious about but also into what she's afraid of. There have been seasons of beluga whale stories as well as Wilbur's mishaps in losing things. It's become a way for me to console her, entertain her, and teach her.


This is our inaugural book, a Christmas book. It follows Wilbur and Willa on their Christmas Tree Scavenger Hunt and is based on the true story of my husband, Kevin, and I's first unofficial date.


To take a break from the busyness of our careers, Kevin grabbed us a couple of Santa hats and we drove around aimlessly looking for Christmas trees, stopping to take pictures when we found them. We would end up taking a walk in a park, strolling along a creek, grabbing pizza and beer, indulging in holiday treats, and walking through a festive downtown. All the while, catching up on life and just enjoying the season. We would continue the tradition in the following years.


So this is the story we share with you. Our story. We hope you enjoy it. We hope it inspires you. We hope it brings awe into your holiday season. We hope it encourages you to go on your own search for adventure, connection, and the Christmas Spirit.

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