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About the Author

Rae Visita Izquierdo is a wife to Kevin and mommy to Leni, Ollie, and Anni. She is a writer and entrepreneur who loves to run marathons, cook and make crafts. And of the many hats she wears, Beloved is her favorite. She resides at Mama Tree, the home she shares with her family and friends in Northern California.

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My Story

I've worn many hats in my 40 years of life here. From computer engineer to entrepreuer. From personal trainer to marathon runner. From published author to faith blogger. These days I feel like I'm the Chief Juggler, trying to master tossing things into the air and seeing how they will land. All the while being very amused at how fun, maddening, frustrating, and wonderful a life filled with joy can be.


I juggle things like being a mom to curious rambunctious children, supporting both my ambitious career and that of my husband's. Things like race training and cooking plant based meals. Things like designing and managing all the projects that Mama Tree (our home) has. Who knew a home could have so much going on!


And so, in this season, I'm taking up my pen and writing to share as much as I can. Joy is great. Joy shared is Grace.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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